I think chemo day is probably my least favorite day so far. I don't know why, it's not like I "exert" myself in anyway. I just heavily dislike it, I could most definitely even use the word hate. I think it's the tired-ness and headaches that go along with it. But that's okay, it's an easy step to the finish, one small hill to get over! I am actually extremely lucky, as I have met some incredible people who have to do this for months, MONTHS! Today my dad will come up and spend it with me! I feel sorry for him, he'll have to sit in an uncomfortable chair and watch me sleep! At least I get the recliner!! Oh well, after today, I'll be half done! HALF DONE!!!! All downhill from here baby!

So...Talking with my sisters, we did come up with some positives of the hairloss:
1. I can pick at it all I want right now (anybody who's ever
seen me pick my split ends knows this is VERY annoying-
I can't even stand it). Is anybody really going to say "stop
it". If they do I will just pull out a chunk for some shock
value...that'll shut them up!
2. Wigs are already ready to go! No more bad hair days!
3. I will save a bundle on shampoo, conditioner, gel, etc, etc.
4. I can be as jerk-y as I want...no one wants to hit a cancer
patient (well, except Kari and Jen).
5. Possibility of no leg hair for a bit!!
6. I will get to see what I look like as a red-head, a blonde,
green, pink, orange, etc.
7. I will be SO much more aerodynamic when I run, I could
possibly shave (no pun intended) a whole 2 seconds off my
marathon time without the weight of this hair!!
Please feel free to add on! I will let you know how today goes!!