Sunday, March 27, 2011

One and done!!

Sam's a slave driver!
Had another round of chemo on Friday-only ONE left, that's right, one! I am quite excited about it!! The doc was even nice enough to move the last chemo date to fall after Boston. So the marathon is on the 18th (which I am actually quite scared about due to my lack of effective training) then my chemo will be on the 20th! My oncologist would like me to wear some sort of t-shirt like "If you can read the back of this shirt, the gal gettin' chemo is beating you." I also suggested I put his picture on the front-he fully informed me that it's okay for me to quit, but we all know I'm a bit more stubborn than that (thanks dad)! Besides Sam already has her tickets to fly out and I'm sure she'll have quite the motivating comments to keep me moving... ---->

I will definitely keep you updated on the road up to Boston...I wish I was more prepared, more confident, but it is what it is now. I know I can do it, just slower and with a bit more "next day soreness." Thank you everyone for all the support, love, and prayers! Love you! XOXO

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What a weekend!!

Me and Sindy!
Where to start...well, I picked up my best friend Sindy from the airport on Thursday night. She flew in to attend the "One-Upper Party" and my sister's baby shower and what a lifesaver she was from beginning to end! Friday was spent trying to wrap up loose ends for the baby shower, it really was non-stop running. Come to find out Friday night that my cousin Alicia had come down with my cousin Dave all the way from Minnesota to surprise me and come to the party! It had been years since I'd seen her, I was so excited...well the surprises did not stop there. Saturday morning my other cousins Shanda and Kristi AND my aunt Sharon had all driven down to surprise me. It was more than I could ask for. I know the support I have from my family and friends, but did not expect them to come all that way for less than a 24-hour visit.

The double skullet! Yikes!
Al startin' the show!
The "One-Upper Party" was quite a success, I felt bad that I didn't have the time to visit with everyone like I wanted to! I was amazed at the number of people who donated time, money, and hair to the effort! My cousin Al did ALL of the shaving, mohawks, personalized statements, skullets...she was quite the beautician! I of course started my evening off with a good ol' Missouri skullet. A bit creepy, yes, but still, had to have some fun with it! After kicking it off, the haircuts kept flowing. We even had some complete strangers from upstairs in the bar come downstairs for a cut and make a donation! Kari chopped off all her hair for locks of love, Sam ended up with an incredible looking mohawk, and my cousin Al even shaved her head-just to reveal how more gorgeous she truly is inside and out! After all the cuts AND the silent auction, a bit over $4,000 dollars was raised. I have so much I want to write, but just don't have the words. I don't even know where to start with the "thank you's" I would need an entire page to list all the people who gave so generously. The generosity of my family, friends, and complete strangers leaves me breathless. How do you describe the indescribable? Express the inexpressible? My heart is just so full of love and gratitude. I have never been more content, felt more loved, or known more surely just how strong the bonds are of family and true friends. This is not an easy road for anyone, but for me-due to the love and support that I've had-it's a breeze. I am honored that people describe me as "strong" and "courageous", but I don't think those words can be defined as a singular action. There is no way I could wake up with the smile on my face if it wasn't for my support system-the run with Sam, the goofy text I get from my dad, knowing fully that anytime I need to break down, anytime I need to fall, I will be caught. There is no feeling that is more safe. Thank you so much, to everyone. I am truly blessed! Love you all! XOXO
Me, Sam, and Shelley

Me and Jeremy
Me and Kari
Just a few of the people who went short!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Round we go!

I think chemo day is probably my least favorite day so far. I don't know why, it's not like I "exert" myself in anyway. I just heavily dislike it, I could most definitely even use the word hate. I think it's the tired-ness and headaches that go along with it. But that's okay, it's an easy step to the finish, one small hill to get over! I am actually extremely lucky, as I have met some incredible people who have to do this for months, MONTHS! Today my dad will come up and spend it with me! I feel sorry for him, he'll have to sit in an uncomfortable chair and watch me sleep! At least I get the recliner!! Oh well, after today, I'll be half done! HALF DONE!!!! All downhill from here baby!

So...Talking with my sisters, we did come up with some positives of the hairloss:

 1. I can pick at it all I want right now (anybody who's ever
     seen me pick my split ends knows this is VERY annoying-
     I can't even stand it). Is anybody really going to say "stop
     it". If they do I will just pull out a chunk for some shock
     value...that'll shut them up!
2. Wigs are already ready to go! No more bad hair days!
3. I will save a bundle on shampoo, conditioner, gel, etc, etc.
4. I can be as jerk-y as I one wants to hit a cancer
    patient (well, except Kari and Jen).
5. Possibility of no leg hair for a bit!!
6. I will get to see what I look like as a red-head, a blonde,
    green, pink, orange, etc.
7. I will be SO much more aerodynamic when I run, I could    
    possibly shave (no pun intended) a whole 2 seconds off my
    marathon time without the weight of this hair!!

Please feel free to add on! I will let you know how today goes!!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I LOVE Cupcakes!

All right, so Sam did it! She raised well over $1,000 in about a week and a half, talk about over achiever! Sam said once she hit $1,000, she would dye her hair Cupcake Pink until the party on the 12th, then shave her head completely! So we threw ourselves a little cupcake party. I am sure Sam will be a hit at her Engineering Conference this week (yes, she is an extremely successful structural engineer: see "over achiever" above). I just have to re-iterate how fantastic my family and friends are...I know, I say it every time, but it's just so incredibly true. To honestly know you're always loved, despite the little annoyances you may have-not only that, but to have friends that will inconvenience themselves on your behalf! It was just a fun night of girl talk, wine, actual cupcakes, and snacks! Just what the doctor ordered!! Sorry about the crazy formatting below....Not too good at this blogging stuff yet!! Thanks ladies, for an absolutely fantastic night!!
                                                             To see more pictures, visit my album!!    
Hollie and I, doing what we do best-Nothing!
And it starts with a couple coats of bleach!
Then a rinse...