This is not to scale... |
So I believe this is kind of how the tissue expander is in me...the doc removed all the breast tissue, than lifted my pec muscle (which I am sure was a ton of work since I'm HUGE)! They put the expander under the muscle, than surrounded the bottom of the expander with cadaver tissue, stitching the tissue to my pec muscle, that way the entire expander is surrounded, on the top with my [HUGE] pec and underneath with cadaver tissue. They do this to ensure that the tissue expander is protected, if the expander "sees the light of day" as my doctor said, then they have to remove it and start from scratch.
Sweet edit job yo. |
Why all this information now?? Well it looks like my expander is wanting out...I have a couple of stitches trying to pop through my skin. So needless to say, I didn't have a fill this week, the nurse wants to wait until I can see MY doctor. She doesn't think it'll be a big deal, but just wants to ensure that nothing will tear through, for fear of starting from scratch. I am happy they are so incredibly cautious-so my appointment with the doc is Thursday at 2...hopefully everything will turn out all right and I can continue with my fills! Almost done, almost done...
LOL. I love the Mr. T edit! I hope everything works out and doesn't need to be redone!