Saturday, July 23, 2011

Cancer needs to get cancer.

Dying Sam's hair!!
So I am at a stopping point (for a bit). Saw the doc-my doc-yesterday, she confirmed that "yes, those are in fact stitches." She then proceeded to take the stitches out that had already popped through my skin, she slapped on some ointment, put on a bandaid and told me to wait another week for a fill. She said my skin is pretty thin so not sure how much more we can fill - guess I'm destined to be an A+ cup, which is quite fine by me, I once heard that more than a handful is too much anyway (oops...earmuffs dad)!

Just testin' out the gals!
Anyway, I cannot complain, I am on the downhill. For those of you who are my faithful blog followers (thank you Laurie), you have read about my wonderful friend Shelley! Compassionate, positive, great cook, smart, has ridiculously good looking know the girl. Well, turns out she has triple negative breast cancer - just found out on July you can see, me and my friends are complete attention whores! (Kidding)!

I don't know what this epidemic is that's going around and I have no idea why it would ever fall on someone who really does know how to live life. I truly do believe life gives you only what you can handle, unfortunately for Shelley, she can handle A LOT! Shelley is ridiculously strong, I don't think I even realized how strong she was until this point. She is always the one to take care of all of us, always on the go, if she has a free minute she will fill it with friends, family, and love! She makes every person in her life feel like the most important person. It will definitely be interesting to see Shelley let someone take care of her for once!!!

My sister Kimberwolf once said, "It's amazing how one word can change your life." Which is so true...
 Most amazing gal!
I was also once told by person, who will remain anonymous, that if I said "I love you" all the time, the sincerity would wear off, it wouldn't mean anything. Well, with that, I heavily disagree...and my "life changing" moment just makes me realize that much more how incredibly lucky and blessed I am. I love life, I love Shelley, I love all my friends and family - with all my sincerity and not just from the bottom, but from the sides, front, and back of my heart...I LOVE YOU! XOXO

If you want to read how incredibly positive, uplifting, and amazing my friend Shelley is, check out her blog at:! I also added a video on the bottom originally posted by our friend James, which I find hilarious...but WARNING...if easily offended, DO NOT watch!!!

My favorite picture...Shelley has the best smile!


  1. Thanks for the shout out homie! Unless your blog is cheating on me with another Laurie!! You are BOTH incredibly strong ladies and I'm so proud to call you my friends.

  2. you are awesome...that is all! :) LOVE YOU BESTIE!!!!!!! can't wait for some long overdue chats and catching up!!

  3. There are no words to decribe how much I love you!! Thank you for being my rock!! xoxo
