Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Twice as nice...

Well there’s nothing like an out of town adventure to get you prepared for a little anesthesia, right?? Honestly, is there a better way to rest up? Looks like I’m heading into surgery (again), which isn’t all bad, that means the MRI showed something! Let’s just hope it’s the ductal, we get it out of there then I can begin the next course of treatment! The doc said, if by chance it is not ductal we will cross that bridge when we get there. I have a feeling it will be though since everything has been turning out so great!! Keep those fingers (and toes) crossed! I am scheduled to go to Chicago on the 14th after having the trip canceled over New Year’s (damn Chicago fog), so it will be nice to get out of town and not think about this until I return! I don't know what it is about the number two...two cancers, two MRIs, two sports bras, two get the point and I think we all know the answer to that one! 

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